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General Financial Literacy

General Financial Literacy

金融知识是指为实施最有效、最成功的资金管理实践而获得的知识. 金融知识对个人的专业和个人成长至关重要.
我们的主要目标是为学生提供财务知识和成功的信息和工具. 我们会提供以下有关理财知识的资讯和工具:

  • Budgeting
  • Credit and Credit Cards
  • Personal Finance and Debt Management
  • Loan Management and Student Loan Consolidation


What are budgets and why should I have one?
预算是个人收入和支出的记录,它将指导个人在经济上取得成功. 预算可以很简单,在一张纸上写下基本的每月收入和支出金额,或者创建一个详细的工作表,其中包含一周中每一天的信息. 预算可以帮助个人实现各种各样的财务目标,比如存钱买车,或者鼓励个人在衣服或外出就餐上少花钱.


Guideline for Creating a Budget

  • 记录一个月的开支,这样你就能确切地知道你把钱花在哪里了
  • Evaluate your income vs. expenses
  • Classify your expenses into wants and needs
  • Determine if the expenses in the 'want' category can be reduced
  • Create your budget for a week or month and stick to this budget
  • Write down your short-term and long-term financial goals, 这样,当你遵循你的预算时,你就知道你要达到什么目标
  • Develop a sample budget worksheet [PDF] to help you get started
  • Additional Resources:


Credit and Credit Cards

What is Credit?

Credit is your reputation as a borrower. It tells others how likely you are to repay your debts. Credit is made up from information about your borrowing history. Most of the information comes from your credit reports.

What is a Credit Report?
A credit report contains information about your borrowing history. Lenders provide information that ends up on credit reports. How much you borrow, 你的还款历史和其他关于你的借贷行为的细节都在你的信用报告上. 当有人想要信用报告时,需要向信用报告公司申请. These agencies collect and distribute all of your information.

What is a Credit Score?
Credit agencies use your credit history to determine a credit score. 这些分数是由计算机程序决定的,该程序运行在你的信用报告中. It looks for patterns (such as on time payments), characteristics and any red flags that may need to be tended to. 信用评分用于你生活中的多个领域,比如汽车贷款或抵押贷款, insurance and even employment approvals.

The Need to Build Credit
如果你没有信用记录,贷方不知道他们是否应该借钱给你. 无法确定你是一个负责任的债务人还是一个不良风险. You need to build credit in order to prove your creditworthiness. 刚刚开始学习财务责任的年轻人需要建立信用. 然而,请记住,信用可以是一个有用的工具,但它也可以让你陷入麻烦. 在你开始建立信用后,你可能会被诱人的新信贷机会淹没. 银行,信用卡公司和其他人会想要贷款给你,因为你是一个好的借款人. 不要接受每一个提议,只在真正对你有益的时候借钱.


How to Monitor Credit
After you build credit, you must monitor it. 美国政府要求信用机构向您提供年度免费信用报告,您应该通过访问以下附加资源的网站来利用这一权利.

Basic Guidelines for Credit Card Use
获得你的第一张信用卡是一大步,它会影响你的未来. A credit card is serious. 信用卡公司借钱给你,你有责任.

One card is most likely enough. Avoid the temptation of having more than one card.

Keep the balance as low as possible. Pay off your balance each month of possible. 如果这是不可能的,每月支付尽可能多的最低还款额. 在紧急情况下使用信用卡,并保留现金和支票用于日常购物. Create a spending and budget plan. Do not let credit card payments exceed 20% of your monthly income.

If having a credit card turns into a problem, stop using it for a while until it is back under control.

Additional Resources


Personal Finance and Debt Management

What is Personal Finance?
个人理财是将金融原理应用于个人或家庭的货币决策. It addresses the ways in which individuals or families obtain, budget, save and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events. 个人理财的组成部分可能包括支票和储蓄账户, credit cards and consumer loans, investments in the stock market, retirement plans, social security benefits, insurance policies, and income tax management. The key component of personal finance is financial planning, 哪一个是需要定期监测和重新评价的动态过程.


In general, it has five steps:

  • Assessment -个人财务状况可以通过编制简化版本的财务资产负债表和损益表来评估.
  • Setting goals -设定目标是为了达到一定的财务要求.
  • Creating a plan - The financial plan details how to accomplish goals. It could include, for example, reducing unnecessary expenses, increasing one's employment income, or investing in the stock market.
  • Execution -执行个人理财计划通常需要纪律和毅力. Many people obtain assistance from professionals such as accountants, financial planners, investment advisers, and lawyers.
  • Monitoring and reassessment - As time passes, 必须对个人财务计划进行监控,以备重新评估和/或调整.


What is Debt Management?

Simply put, debt management is the act of managing debts. However, 它也可以指信用咨询服务,将你的无担保债务合并为一个月的付款, which is sent directly to your creditors by the credit counseling service.


债务管理是消费者减少信用卡债务的众多选择之一. Consumers can try to manage their debts on their own. 金融专家建议消费者应该跟踪他们每月支付的金额, not only in terms of what they pay to reduce their various debts, but also for everyday and cost-of-living expenses. By doing so, 在做出更激进的决定之前,他们或许能够找到削减奢侈品和其他购买成本的方法.


Basic Rules to Budgeting and Money Management

Assess your financial situation. 确定你的生活开支、定期开支和每月欠下的债务. Compare your expenses to your monthly net income. Be aware of your total debt.

Develop a realistic plan. Create a worksheet to document your monthly expenses. Record where and what you are spending money on. 这些费用可以是固定的(住房、公用事业、儿童保育、学生贷款等).)或每周或每月变化的灵活支出(意外紧急情况), medical and prescription bill, eating out, etc.) Once you know what you're spending money on, 你有能力通过制定预算来控制自己的财务状况.

Determine the difference between needs and wants. 制定一个合理的预算,首先考虑你的需求(食物、住房、衣服、交通)。. Money should be spent on wants only after needs have been met.

Don't allow expenses to exceed your income. Make adjustments in your budget when you are close to over spending. Take your lunch for the week instead of eating out. 评估昂贵奢侈品的重要性,比如手机、有线电视和名牌服装.

Pay bills on time. Maintaining a good credit rating and avoid late charges. 如果你无力偿还你的债主,打电话,解释你的情况,并建立一个付款协议.

Use credit wisely. 通过审查你的预算来确定你可以轻松地用信用卡购买什么. Don't allow your credit payment to exceed 20% of your monthly paycheck. Pay more than the minimum on charge accounts. Add a few extra dollars to your payment. Avoid borrowing from one creditor to pay off another. 有意识地使用纸(实际可用的美元)而不是塑料(信用卡).


Additional Resources: